So who benefits? Everyone on the TEAM. Patients, providers, and payers.

TEAM of Care’s clients have been coordinating workflows across the broadest and most extended definition of a care TEAM for over a decade.  Health Systems, ACOs, medical practices, and health plans have achieved exceptional, industry-leading performance in terms of quality of care, cost of care, and the payments that reward those efforts.   As the value-based care market expands, patients, physician groups, health systems, and payers are increasingly working together – as a TEAM – with aligned goals and incentives.  Healthcare organizations who focus on patients and their need for coordinated care, particularly care that takes place across a wide spectrum of healthcare services, are demonstrating the power of TEAM-Work.  Patients expect and deserve to receive the highest quality care and achieve the best outcomes.  The entire care TEAM wants to deliver the best care and results for their patients.

How can we make your TEAM great?

Great TEAMs know the TEAM-Playbook.  Great TEAM-Work is efficient and effective because tasks focus on achieving goals and there is a close loop from start to finish.  Great TEAM-Management has clear visibility to operational performance, so they can help TEAMs maximize their capabilities, achieve success, and continually improve.