We believe in the power of a systematic and deliberate approach to TEAM-Work.

Better outcomes and lower costs require active management of care. TEAM-Win embeds systematic action into clinical and administrative workflows and management, using real-time data from an array of sources and systems.

With the TEAM-Win system, organizations can achieve and sustain exceptional operational performance by addressing three essential questions:

  • Once an organization defines its strategic goals, it needs to define the specific actions that will achieve those goals.
  • Many of these tactics will involve operational processes and workflows the organization expects will consistently deliver results.
  • The organization needs to define the business rules for critical tasks, action owners, sequence, and timing of high priority activities.
  • To operationalize these tactics, the organization needs to design, integrate, distribute, and manage the critical tasks performed by the available TEAM.
  • The TEAM-Playbook defines those tactics as process flows, including performance metrics, and then automates those tactics into user actions that we call TEAM-Work.
  • As a result, all TEAM-Work is tied directly to performance.
  • Great plans aren’t enough.  It’s important to know whether the work is completed as designed.
  • TEAM-Win establishes real-time visibility to the status and progress of TEAM-Work – for TEAM members and for management.
  • If the work is not getting done, it is important to know why.  Sometimes operational or organizational issues cause a backlog.  TEAM-Management features allow managers to reallocate and redistribute the work across the TEAM.
  • Sometimes work isn’t getting done for other reasons, such as training or staffing.  In TEAM-Win, you can rapidly identify those issues, make changes, and get them out to the field.
  • If the TEAM is completing the most critical actions, can you see a direct correlation to measurable results.
  • TEAM-Win ties process measures directly to outcome measures, so you always know whether TEAM-Work is making an impact.
  • What if the work is not making an impact?  Now you have a defined process and process measures to evaluate your tactics.  If you need to change the workflows, you can update the TEAM-Playbook and TEAM-Work in a matter of days.
  • The tracking and reporting tools in TEAM-Win allow administrators to achieve systematic ROI by giving them real-time visibility into clinical, operational and financial performance.