Visibility to Real-Time Progress and Status Across TEAMs and Workflows

The reporting and management tools in TEAM-Win are built to help you maximize performance across the TEAM.  The system tracks and maps process completion against organizational performance goals for management actions and follow up: TEAM-Management.  

Built-in views are the basis for operational reports.  Too much work assigned to one individual or group?  Bulk reassignment takes seconds.  Need to present to the board or executive management?  Dynamic pivot charts with drill-down features provide exportable visual reports.  Looking for opportunities for improvement? The direct relationship between workflows, process measures, and performance make it easy to pinpoint where to make changes.

  • Track workflow progress for a specific patient in a specific program using built-in views.
  • Track progress in aggregate to see broader resource deployment and operational performance.
  • Compare across medical practices, condition types, clinical programs, or users.
  • Every TEAM-Management view is a dynamic, configurable report to display and evaluate real-time operations.
  • Visibility across workflows and the entire TEAM
  • Track progress at organizational levels
  • Distribute and manage work with internal and external TEAM members
  • Evaluate and report on distribution of labor
  • Evaluation of productivity
  • Redistribution of actions – individual and bulk
  • Add, group, sort, and filter any data used in a workflow to create your own custom charts and reports.
  • Visual representations to show process performance and progress to goals.
  • For example, group and sort by group to compare against a benchmark. Drill down to a specific location to reinforce opportunities or issues.
  • Views for interactive report and charting
  • Print from dynamic views
  • Pivot charts for visual displays
  • History of actions creates a useful tool to review trends
  • Clear support that compliance plans and procedures are fully operational