Healthcare is a TEAM Effort

More and more, high-performing healthcare organizations engage in cross-functional and cross-enterprise business and clinical work to serve their patients and achieve their objectives. This may be in the form of value-based care. Maybe these are payer-provider joint ventures. Maybe it is simply a refined care coordination strategy across an Integrated Delivery Network. Is there one playbook for everyone involved? Does everyone know their part? Do they know what is expected of them? Does everyone know the status at any given time?

What makes TEAM of Care Different?

Our customers have produced over $200 million in savings and value-based care revenue.

These results are not a surprise or good luck.  Performance is built-in.  Workflows and TEAM-Work are all configured to support specific, tangible goals and metrics. TEAM-Management reports, charts, and views provide clear and direct links to process performance and operational performance.

The backbone of the Workflow Coordination System is our TEAM-Playbook.  We build every workflow with our BPMN process modeler, which uses industry-standard, open-sourced process design.  TEAM-Playbook also includes a proprietary configuration tool that allows custom form design and custom data configuration, including EHR data.  TEAM of Care designs and deploys a fully operational workflow in a matter of hours and days.

Every workflow is a closed loop process.  Nothing falls through the cracks.  TEAM-Work and TEAM-Management make it easy for cross-functional, cross-enterprise, and cross-town TEAMs to work together.  Everyone has clear visibility to assigned tasks and status in the workflow.  When there is a delay or new information that increases priority, the system automatically escalates actions based on your business rules.

Why do we capitalize TEAM? It is an acronym for Technology Enabled Active Management