High performance organizations clearly define the most important actions required to achieve their strategic goals. They “operationalize” their strategies through tactics that are made up of people, processes, and systems. The TEAM-Playbook allows you to define those tactics as process flows, including performance metrics, and then automates those tactics into user actions that we call TEAM-Work.
The TEAM-Playbook is a built-in workflow design tool that provides unique adaptability and flexibility. TEAM of Care configures workflows for your specific requirements in a matter of hours and days using our “low-code” application development platform. Our built-in workflow design tool uses industry standard BPMN 2.0 to create process maps. Our API tools, including FHIR, SMART on FHIR, subscriptions, and CDS Hooks automatically generate code to connect to your data and systems, making the workflow coordination system available directly through your EHR. Need to make changes? Think of it today, deploy the change tomorrow.